Yngve Holen
Launch of Hater Head
February 21 – March 23, 2013

Installation view, Launch of Hater Head, Société, Berlin, 2013
“You don’t even know how to hold a screwdriver.”
“Yeah, but did you know that the oldest screw-shaped technical device was the Archimedian Screw, which was invented during the 7TH century BC to regulate the water supply in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? This most mysterious of the Seven Wonders of the World was a present from King Nebukadnezar II to his wife Amytis. Mostly famous for his ferocious cruelty, the King also destroyed Jerusalem and captured the Jewish people to be the prisoners of Babylon.”
“You’re an asshole.”
“It’s tough, right? This screw here looks mean and nasty, like a know it all. A biter without a mouth. A screw is just a simple object. A tiny piece of metal. But in the hands of a person who knows how to use it, it turns into a machine. Imagine sitting on an airplane, looking out the window at the surface of the wing, you see this one flat headed screw, holding the entire airplane together. It looks back at you amused, like a smiley face, because in that very moment the little thing is so much more powerful than you.”
“It turns and turns, only around itself.”
“Well, the connection provided by the screw is not permanent, it can always be undone. If you want it. If you hold the key. Hater Head is a security screw, there is only one tool that fits, like a lock. It works itself into the wood, cutting its own negative space into the material, creating the mating thread that holds it.”
We go to McPaper, It’s the first copy shop in Germany that has installed 3D-printers, there’s hardly anyone in the store. We make our own security screw here, just like Apple, just like everyone else. It feels right. Like typing the correct number code to enter your WLAN network. As opposed to all processes, that take away material like cutting, drilling or sculpting, 3D-Printing has the advantage of not making waste of left-over material. It’s not about peeling anything out of anything else anymore, there is only addition. When it’s done, there is nothing except the product. And a little bit of reusable powder.
“Did you know that they can print edible meat now?”
“But not at McPaper! LOL.”

Installation view, Launch of Hater Head, Société, Berlin, 2013

Installation view, Launch of Hater Head, Société, Berlin, 2013

Detail view, Launch of Hater Head, Société, Berlin, 2013

Installation view, Launch of Hater Head, Société, Berlin, 2013

Installation view, Launch of Hater Head, Société, Berlin, 2013