Benjamin Asam Kellogg
The Perfect Storm
February 25 – March 12, 2016

Installation view, The Perfect Storm, Société, Berlin, 2016
Why do you stand here looking to the sky? Try to see the cards are all up in the air as well the chips on the table. There is a powerful storm brewing in the distance, gaining ferocity. You look into its uncertainly and it has a tendency to hit in unprepared times. Those who call for peace are trampled under those who aggressively seek it. The sky will open up and the ground will crumble. Think about the person who loves you most in life and imagine them being swallowed by the fires lay the earth. Waters once sacred are now poisonous wells. The pushes of the tides are a threat unparalleled once again. The animals of the deep are plotting their escape regardless of the outcome. The mainstream has led everyone astray, made accomplices of evil in consumers. They are witness to the unveiling, witnesses of Pandora’s box. There is a big celestial countdown to some, to others a challenge of faith and hope. Regardless of how you “feel” and what you “know” you must decide between help or hurt. From the point of inception, hurt within will weigh you beneath the waters of destruction and you will watch your own slipping under. The storm will bring this to all on the coast, directly to our feet. We all have an eternal pact one could argue this, some could say holy cow!

Installation view, The Perfect Storm, Société, Berlin, 2016

Installation view, The Perfect Storm, Société, Berlin, 2016

Installation view, The Perfect Storm, Société, Berlin, 2016

Installation view, The Perfect Storm, Société, Berlin, 2016

Installation view, The Perfect Storm, Société, Berlin, 2016

Installation view, The Perfect Storm, Société, Berlin, 2016