Darren Bader
February 10 – April 20, 2023
Daniel was persistent. His enthusiasm unflagging. He would not be deterred.
He pined/designed to realize amazon.com sculpture @ Wielandstraße 26 as natural sequel to eBay sculpture.*
Yes the two works were co-conceived, but I wanted to leave them to their lives—those their owners give them.
Daniel persisted. (Perhaps he knows I enjoy pleasing as much as I “enjoy” being inflexible.)
So we've come to a happy medium: he gets to enjoy the medium of "instruction-based sculpture," i.e. he gets to follow the instructions himself.
There are** five medium-specific works in this show (tentatively titled fünfdreier). One work is realized here for the first time. Another may yet remain unrealized. Two others have never gone beyond exhibition copy.*** One of these copies won't appear as one here, instructions for the work staying strictly instructional.**** The fifth and/or primal work will be Amazon.com sculpture, which I've never known as non-exhibition-copy (present iteration included), but may exist somewhere as the “real thing”.
Per its title, the show’s related to the number 3. I'm sure I'll have to wait a fair while to understand whether the relation is important—terse ternary, atonal tercet, mere sequence… Till then, here's a quincunxish quintet that may or may not be: tertiary, part-ternate, a “third third” preferred word I’ve been unable to pin-down, 33%…
**Only if you're reading this at the right moment. If not "are", "will be" and/or "have been".
***Industry term.
****At least in the hands of Société or hands they could purposefully instruct to see instructions through.

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023
Amazon.com sculpture
The work has its owner purchase any number of things** from Amazon.com*. Once all the things are in the owner’s possession, they become a sculpture that is also the work. The owner can organize them as the mood strikes. It’s recommended the things be regarded rather than used.
If the owner would like to make an additional sculpture, that additional sculpture becomes the work; the previous sculpture(s) is(/are) no longer the work. In/if making additional sculptures, it’s recommended the owner continue to purchase things in a quantity similar to that of the first sculpture.
**NB e.g. a bag of M&Ms is 1 thing and 1 thing only, i.e. the M&Ms inside the bag can be used, but don’t amount to additional things purchased from Amazon.

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023
photographs I like
The work is a group of no less than 5 and no more than 50,000ish photographs its owner likes.
The majority of the photographs should be visually accessible* to people other than the owner.** Photographs should not be displayed in duplicate, triplicate, etc. The owner shouldn’t include more than a (relative) few photographs they’ve personally taken [created].***
If a photograph once liked is no longer liked, it can be removed from the group.
The work could be repeated****; repeats should be undertaken sparingly.
**And non-owners the owner (regularly) lives with and/or regularly shares a workplace with.
***Which isn’t to say they should include any.
****By the owner, not by proxies.
*****Framing (and/or mounting) isn’t necessary, but obviously brings its own qualities to an experience.

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023
garden (study)
Gather 280 or more of the lidded container seen in the photo provided.* Fill** each container with a different something; then secure the lid. Stack all the containers as evenly as possible and water them three or more times a week for many weeks, never exceeding twelve waterings a week. No fixatives should be used when stacking.
If a container cracks, it’s recommended it be responsibly disposed of and its contents*** transferred to an unused container.*
**Upwards of 80% full is recommended.
***If its contents have spoiled/toxified, they should be transferred all the same.****
****Up to a sanitary point, best discerned by the work’s owner (or proxy).

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023
proposal for a fragrance
The work has its owner collect commercially-produced fragrances to create a single, composite fragrance they’ll then attempt to market as a new commercial fragrance.* The composite should contain no less than 37 different pre-existing commercially-produced fragrances, none exceeding 8% of the composite liquid volume. When selecting fragrances for the composite, the owner should place emphasis on variety of packaging and pricing. Failure to earnestly attempt to market the composite fragrance effectively voids the work.**
**Earnest attempt(s) in the past do(es) not void the work in its post-marketed state.

Installation view, fünfdreier, Société, Berlin, 2023
A work bringing no fewer than 40 participants* together in a single, enclosed** space. A non-participatory audience is optional.
As soon as prompted, each and every participant begins playing pre-recorded music from their smartphone*** (via streaming service, local files, etc). Speakers can be the phone's*** internal speaker or wireless, portable speakers (presumably bluetooth). Volume should be medium-loud. Headphone use is not permitted.
Minimum work duration = 50 continuous minutes of music. If a participant wishes to fashion their 50 minute playlist in real time, they should be instructed in advance to play each new**** track immediately after their most recent track ends.
Standing/walking(/dancing) is recommended; sitting/lying on the floor/ground should be politely discouraged; if a wheelchair or medically-required seat/bed is needed, it is welcome.
**Up to code is of course advisable; participants should be able to leave if needed.*****
***Tablet if preferred, but no concurrent or alternate use of phone/tablet.
****Repetition of songs should be discouraged.
*****Participants should be politely encouraged to stay.