Anh Trần

Art Basel Parcours 2024 Anh Trần

June 13 – 16, 2024

Art Basel Parcours 2024 Anh Trần. June 13 – 16, 2024

St. Clara Church

Anh Trần, every water has the right place to be

For Parcours, Anh Trần has created two large-scale paintings presented in the front choir of the St. Clara Church. The title of her project every water has the right place to be elicits notions of fluidity, mutability, and the search for a sense of belonging—a commonality shared by Trần’s painting practice and the rituals surrounding religious experience.

Anh Trần, Every water has the right place to be, 2024

Anh Trần, Every water has the right place to be, 2024

Anh Trần, When all the things you are are mine, 2024

Anh Trần, When all the things you are are mine, 2024