A BMW Art Journey that matches traditional movement with robotics
At 39 years old, Lu Yang has created a compelling body of work around sexuality, mortality, religion and neuroscience. And she isn’t known for pulling her punches or skirting around taboos. Buy the issue here.LINEBREAK
Bunny Rogers’ Zombie High
Last night at the Essex Street Academy the millennial artist, best known for video animations and sculptures that orbit around the 1999 Columbine massacre, unveiled Sanctuary. Read more on Garage.LINEBREAK
Read the full article in Monopol Issue 11. Buy here.LINEBREAK
What Can You Expect at This Year’s Performa? A Haunted High School Talent Show, a Six-Hour Clay Dance, and More
Among the biennial’s less conventional venues is a high school overtaken by artist Bunny Rogers, who has repeatedly turned to these fraught spaces for her installations and video pieces (she made a trilogy based on the 1999 Columbine High School massacre). Read more on artnet news.LINEBREAK
Emo Artifice as an Archive of Feelings
In her installations, videos, poetry, and performances, Bunny Rogers not only evokes teen angst and depression, but also the emo icons through which she channeled those emotions at a younger age. These include the melancholic singer-songwriter Elliott Smith, the goth-punk version of Joan of Arc from the animated TV show “Clone High” (2002–03), and the jaded character Gaz from another cartoon series, “Invader Zim” (2001–06). Read more on Art in America.LINEBREAK
7 Impressive Emerging Artists to Watch From the Frieze Week Fairs in London – Jeanette Mundt
What to Look Out For: She may be best known for the work that she debuted at the 2019 Whitney Biennial, which showed Olympic gymnasts in various freeze-frames. At Frieze, her gallery is showing earlier works, yellow green landscapes from 2014, that are no less stunning. Read more on artnet news.LINEBREAKFRIEZE LONDON 2019
According to Timur Si-Quin’s Transformers posters, there is a film and it is COMING SOON. Atop the generic graphics, which could advertise any number of iterations of the franchise, the artist has pressed bruised petals or littered the surface with delicate green leaves. The uncanny juxtaposition, adds a sense of play onto the deadening economic determinism of the modern Marvel corporation. Read more on TANK MAGAZINE.LINEBREAK
CRITICS’ PICKS: Selbstbildnis at Société
“Selbstbildnis” examines the evolution of self-portraiture from the 1970s to today amid contradicting movements. While most of the artworks in the exhibition are pulled from the gallery’s roster of contemporary artists—Trisha Baga, Petra Cortright, and Ned Vena, among others—the show’s selection of historical pieces weaves a curatorial thread that deploys a meditative rather than disputative tone to complicate static notions of identity. Read full review on ARTFORUM.LINEBREAK
随着艺术活动的密集进行和发展,身处艺术行业的人身份变得多元,“艺术家-策展人”(Artist- Curator)的身份,能够让艺术创作与策展规划之间的关系,如何获得更多开创性?Read more in Chinese on The Art Newspaper.LINEBREAK
Was hat Buddhismus mit KI zu tun, Lu Yang?
Read more in German in Frankfurter Allgemeine Quarterly.LINEBREAK
Klingklong, hier geht’s in die Gaminghölle
Lu Yang wiederum liefert mit ihren immerfort rein- und rauszoomenden Perspektiven die passenden Bilder für die Generation Post-Internet: Digitaler Eskapismus hat zumindest lange nicht mehr so aufregend ausgesehen wie in der “Luyanghell”. Read in German on der Spiegel.LINEBREAK
“Micro Era”: Spektakuläre Medienkunst aus China in Berlin
In Lu Yangs großformatigen, schnell und bunt flimmernden Arbeiten kann man sich verirren wie in den Labyrinthen einer Comic Convention. Ihre Werke entstehen ausschließlich am Computer, als virtuelle Welten und in der Ästhetik hochaktueller Videospiele. “Mangas haben meine ganze Kindheit begleitet”, kommentiert die in Schanghai lebende Künstlerin. Read in German on Deutsche Welle.LINEBREAK
Cyborg ärgere dich nicht
Noch mehr zeigt nur Lu Yang, Jahrgang 1984 und damit die junge Generation chinesischer Medienkunst. Ihre durch mehrere Räume mäandernde Geisterbahn aus Videos, Plakaten und monsterhaften Skulpturen koppelt das Weltwissen aus dem Internet egalitär zusammen. Egal, ob es sich um Mythen, historische Rituale oder Cyber-Fantasien handelt, alles ist verfügbar. Read in German on Der Tagesspiegel.LINEBREAK
Podcast: NONFOOD (Lucy Chinen, Sean Raspet, Busta, Keller, @LILINTERNET)
Founders of nonfood, Lucy Chinen & Sean Raspet discuss contemporary food supply chains and sustainable food futures, including the R&D of their own algae-based nonbar. Along the way, we address: monocultures, fear, skeuomorphic flavor, cellular agriculture, and the real cost of “all-natural.” Listen here.LINEBREAK
The Sci-fi Future of Food
The Nonbar (2017) is the first product from Nonfood, a company started by artist-entrepreneurs Lucy Chinen and Sean Raspet. Made from pressed lemna, chlorella and spirulina algae, with some roasted broad beans thrown in for added protein, the Nonbar is an attempt to make a food source that is stubbornly nutritious and optimistically sustainable. Read more on Frieze.LINEBREAK
“Micro Era. Media Art from China” at Kulturforum, Berlin
Kulturforum in Berlin to host “Micro Era. Media Art from China” from September 5, 2019. It is being organized by the Nationalgalerie — Staatliche Museen zu Berlin and the Gesellschaft fur Deutsch-Chinesischen kulturellen Austausch e.V. (GeKA e.V. 德中文化交流基金会), on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the city partnership Berlin-Beijing. The exhibition is a dialogue between artists Chinese artists Cao Fei, Lu Yang, Fang Di, and Zhang Peili. Read more on BLOUINARTINFO.LINEBREAK
Bunny Rogers, Ed Atkins, and Other Artists Are Set to Debut Their First-Ever Performances at This Fall’s Performa Biennial
Video and installation artist Bunny Rogers will present her first live theatrical work at a local public school. Revisiting territory she explored in a trilogy of videos about the Columbine High School massacre, the new project will take the form of a high school talent show, touching on the way adolescent violence has evolved from school-yard bullying to the emotional torment waged online today. Read more on artnet news.LINEBREAK
Joy of Missing Out: Petra Cortright
I’m definitely interested in domestic images and the domestic space. I am a longtime subscriber to the homemaking magazine Martha Stewart Living, which I always look at to get ideas for paintings. Sometimes I think of those domestic images as modern-day still-lifes. (…) Read full interview on Mousse Magazine.LINEBREAKIn pictures: melancholy fountain, curtain call and a broom with a view at Art Basel’s Unlimited
Bunny Rogers, Self-portrait as Clone of Jeanne d’Arc (2019), Société: “It’s great to have a new work that was created for Unlimited. This piece has the classic format of the portrait gallery and you also recognise iconographic references to popular culture, like the Silence of the Lambs poster. Read more on The Art Newspaper.LINEBREAK